10 March, 2025
Have you purchased a new property in India and are planning for the auspicious ceremony of Griha Pravesh? According to the Hindu calendar, the ceremony of Griha Pravesh is celebrated when you enter a new home. It stands as a symbol of good fortune and positivity.
However, it is important to note the dates for this ceremony. Therefore, we have presented you with this blog on Griha Pravesh Muhurat in 2025, where you will find all the dates across different months throughout the year.
So, if you wish to enjoy a smooth and happy life in your new home, make sure to observe the Griha Pravesh ceremony on one of these dates.
Simply defined, Griha Pravesh is a process or pooja that Hindu families observe while starting their lives in a new home. While you might be obsessed with design, paints, and aesthetics, it is important to know the dates for Griha Pravesh Muhurat in 2025. The ceremony is observed to mark purification. It is essential to move into a home with positive vibes or energy. The pooja brings this energy to your home, and residents enjoy happiness living in the house.
The key purpose to observe Griha Pravesh is to observe the auspicious entry into the new property. So, when you buy a new house, it marks the beginning of a new chapter in your life. The focus of this ceremony is to cleanse or purify the atmosphere and eliminate all sorts of negative energy. It restores harmony and peace in the property.
Expert astrologers with knowledge of Vastu Shastra for homes state that you should shift to a new property on a special day when the positive energies are strong. So, you must find the favorable date, tithi, and nakshatra.
We have presented the Griha Pravesh Muhurat dates of 2025 below month-by-month for your convenience.
Nakshatra |
Tithi |
Auspicious Time |
Date |
Day of the Week |
Rohini |
Dashami |
10:53 PM (6th Feb) to 07:06 AM (7th Feb) |
6th February |
Thursday |
Rohini, Mrigashira |
Dashami, Ekadashi |
07:06 AM to 07:05 AM (8th Feb) |
7th February |
Friday |
Mrigashira |
Ekadashi |
07:05 AM to 06:07 PM |
8th February |
Saturday |
Uttara Phalguni |
Third |
11:09 PM (14th Feb) to 05:59 AM (15th Feb) |
14th February |
Friday |
Uttara Phalguni |
Third |
06:59 AM to 11:52 PM |
15th February |
Saturday |
Panchami |
06:58 AM (17th Feb) to 04:53 AM (18th Feb) |
17th February |
Monday |
Nakshatra |
Tithi |
Auspicious Time |
Date |
Day of the Week |
Uttar Bhadrapada |
Dwitiya, Tritiya |
11:22 AM to 06:45 AM, March 2 |
1st March |
Saturday |
Rohini |
Saptami |
01:08 AM to 06:41 AM, March 6 |
5th March |
Wednesday |
Rohini |
Saptami |
06:41 AM to 10:50 AM |
6th March |
Thursday |
Uttara Phalguni |
Pratipada |
12:23 PM to 06:31 AM, March 15 |
14th March |
Friday |
Uttara Phalguni |
Pratipada |
06:31 AM to 08:54 AM |
15th March |
Saturday |
Nakshatra |
Tithi |
Auspicious Time |
Date |
Day of the Week |
Rohini |
Third |
05:41 AM to 02:12 PM |
30th April |
Wednesday |
Nakshatra |
Tithi |
Auspicious Time |
Date |
Day of the Week |
Mrigashira |
Panchami |
11:23 AM to 02:21 PM |
1st May |
Thursday |
Uttaraphalguni |
Ekadashi |
06:17 PM to 05:35 AM, May 8 |
7th May |
Wednesday |
Uttaraphalguni |
Ekadashi |
05:35 AM to 12:29 PM |
8th May |
Thursday |
Trayodashi |
12:09 AM to 05:33 AM, May 10 |
9th May |
Friday |
Trayodashi |
05:33 AM to 05:29 PM |
10th May |
Saturday |
Anuradha |
Dwitiya |
05:31 AM to 11:47 AM |
14th May |
Wednesday |
Uttarashadha |
Panchami |
05:44 PM to 05:29 AM, May 18 |
17th May |
Saturday |
Uttar Bhadrapad |
Dashami, Ekadashi |
05:47 PM to 05:26 AM, May 23 |
22nd May |
Thursday |
Uttar Bhadrapad, Revati |
Ekadashi |
05:26 AM to 10:29 PM |
23rd May |
Friday |
Mrigashira |
Dwitiya |
05:25 AM to 12:29 AM, May 29 |
28th May |
Wednesday |
Tithi |
Auspicious Time |
Date |
Day of the Week |
Dashami |
11:54 PM to 03:35 AM, June 05 |
4th June |
Wednesday |
Ekadashi |
06:34 AM to 04:47 AM, June 07 |
6th June |
Friday |
There are no auspicious dates for Griha Pravesh Muhurat between July and October
Nakshatra |
Tithi |
Auspicious Time |
Date |
Day of the Week |
Anuradha |
Third |
04:51 AM to 06:28 AM, October 24 |
23rd October 2025 |
Thursday |
Anuradha |
Third |
06:28 AM to 01:19 AM, October 25 |
24th October 2025 |
Friday |
Uttarashadha |
Seventh |
06:31 AM to 09:23 AM |
29th October 2025 |
Wednesday |
Nakshatra |
Tithi |
Auspicious Time |
Date |
Day of the Week |
Uttar Bhadrapad, Revati |
Trayodashi |
06:34 AM to 02:05 AM, November 04 |
3rd November 2025 |
Monday |
Rohini |
Dwitiya |
03:28 AM to 06:37 AM, November 07 |
6th November 2025 |
Thursday |
Rohini, Mrigasira |
Dwitiya, Tritiya |
06:37 AM to 06:38 AM, November 08 |
7th November 2025 |
Friday |
Mrigasira |
Chaturthi, Tritiya |
06:38 AM to 07:32 AM |
8th November 2025 |
Saturday |
Uttaraphalguni |
Dashami, Ekadashi |
09:20 PM to 06:44 AM, November 15 |
14th November 2025 |
Friday |
Uttaraphalguni |
Ekadashi |
06:44 AM to 11:34 PM |
15th November 2025 |
Saturday |
Uttarashadha |
Panchami |
09:53 PM to 06:52 AM, November 25 |
24th November 2025 |
Monday |
Uttar Bhadrapad |
Dashami |
02:22 AM to 06:56 AM, November 30 |
29th November 2025 |
Saturday |
Nakshatra |
Tithi |
Auspicious Time |
Date |
Day of the Week |
Revati |
Ekadashi |
06:56 AM to 07:01 PM |
1st December 2025 |
Monday |
Rohini, Mrigasira |
Pratipada, Dwitiya |
06:59 AM to 07:00 AM, December 06 |
5th December 2025 |
Friday |
Rohini, Mrigasira |
Dwitiya, Tritiya |
06:37 AM to 06:38 AM, November 08 |
7th November 2025 |
Friday |
Mrigasira |
Dwitiya |
07:00 AM to 08:48 AM |
6th December 2025 |
Saturday |
It is important to calculate the date for your Griha Pravesh pooja. Astrologers consider a number of factors while determining the right date. For instance, they check factors like the ideal lagna, nakshatra, dates, position of planets, and adhik mas during this calculation. Accordingly, the auspicious date is calculated.
The favorable time for Griha Pravesh Muhurat is determined after performing Panchang Shuddhi. Following this, the ideal timing for housewarming, havan, and shanti puja is selected. According to Pandits and astrologers, moving into a new home should be avoided during Shukra Tara Asta and Guru Tara, as Venus and Jupiter are in a combusted state. The Shubh Muhurats for Griha Pravesh 2025 are identified based on their duration of at least four hours, calculated from one sunrise to the next.
According to Hindu traditions, the Shubh Griha Pravesh
• Dwandhav: This type of Griha Pravesh is performed when a person returns to their home after being displaced due to a natural disaster and has been away for many years.
• Sapoorva: The Sapoorva Griha Pravesh is meant for those re-entering their house after an extended absence. For instance, if you have lived away from your hometown for years and your house remained unoccupied, this ceremony is recommended. It is essential to thoroughly cleanse your home before performing the puja.
• Apoorva: This form of Griha Pravesh is performed when moving into a newly built home for the first time.
Now, you have a list of the month-wise dates for Griha Pravesh. If you are buying a new home or returning to your property after a long time, you might be looking for the Griha Pravesh Muhurat in 2025. Depending on your schedule, you can choose any date from our list and perform the rituals. This way, you can enjoy peace and harmony in your new residence. Perform the Griha Pravesh ceremony to attract positive energy to your home.
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